Hot days, hot nights, hot studios

The muggy January heat has made studio life extra challenging lately, especially for those of us who don’t have the luxury of air conditioning in our creative spaces. Sweating might be good for clearing out toxins, but trying to make art when the walls are radiating heat is something more akin to torture.
This week the Tiny Towns Art Trail drawing group escaped our hotbox studios and homes to gather around the table at the equally hot, but delightful Puzzle Flat Art Gallery in Dunolly, to draw and chat about all things art.
Truthfully there was more talking than drawing going on today, but creativity begets creativity and getting together with other artists is never time wasted. Ideas flowed even if the drawing slowed.
The Tiny Towns Arts Trail drawing group is open to everyone and we welcome everyone regardless of your skill level or experience. Get in touch via the contact form on this website if you would like to join in and draw with us.