A morning of drawing under the magnificent Dunolly cork tree

This week the Tiny Towns Art Group met up at the old Dunolly Railway Station for a morning of drawing and creative inspiration beneath the sweeping branches of beautiful Dunolly cork tree.
The historic railway station, built in 1874 and decommissioned in 1984, has sadly seen better days, but the magnificent cork tree, planted near the entrance three years after the station was built, has grown into one of the most spectacular and singularly significant trees in the area.
Hidden beneath the overhanging canopy is a cathedral-like space where deep shadows and dappled light create a perfect haven to sit and draw. It was also a perfect way to escape the late morning heat, while the massive, twisting branches and sunlight slipping through the leaves provided plenty of inspiration.
The Tiny Towns Art Group meets once a week to draw, paint, share our artistic practices and project ideas, and generally keep the creative juices flowing. Meeting outdoors allows us to gather safely and keep making art.
If you would like more information on the Tiny Towns Art Group contact us here.
Stay up to date on the cork tree and all the happenings beneath it’s branches through the Dunolly Cork Tree Facebook page.